History Lesson
<spoiler> The images you see all represent firsts, ie. first priniting press, first man in space, etc.
The notebook spaces do not fit the names, but the locations specific to those activities do.
The notebook spaces are filled as follows: (unknown)
first cave paintings - Chauvet Cave - ArDeche, FraNce
first flight - Wright brothers - Kitty Hawk, NoRth CarOlina
first printing press - Johannes Gutenberg - Mainz, GErmAny
first man in space - Yuri Gagarin - TyuratAm, Russia
first ? - Albert Einstein - Bern, SwiTzerland
first affordable car - Model T - Detroit, MicHigan
Note that 8 of the entries come from in-game picture while the last 2 come from the live event pictures from Berlin.
If you fill in the blanks, you get FIRST AROUND EARTH. The answer is MAGELLAN. </spoiler>
Next book: Composers